1 : to plod heavily : TRAMP
2 : to work hard and steadily : PLUG
The truth is, I miss Madison. Although I adore Martin, losing one kitty of two isn’t unlike losing one of your two children. Having a second child doesn’t make losing the other any easier. I wish there was some way we could have worked this out where both kitties could live in harmony. I can’t help but wonder, should I have given it another month? Should I have put Martin on Paxil? (Believe it or not, several folks suggested anti-depressants for my cat.)
So, on top of my grief, I’m struggling with the cognitive dissonance of whether or not I made the right decision.
Meanwhile, Martin is on the mend. He acts like his old self whenever he is on the first or second floor of my town home. But on the third floor, he is still fearful of that room – the guest room that became Madison’s. He won’t go near it. And, even though the staircase is at the opposite end of the hall from Madison’s room, Martin won’t come all the way up the stairs by himself, meaning he doesn’t sleep with me at night unless I carry him up to bed.
Earlier in the week I tried coaxing him toward Madison’s old room with treats and a plastic grocery bag (he loves to eat plastic). He considered it and stepped closer, but in the end he stayed away. Today I picked him up and slowly brought him toward the open door of Madison’s room to show him that it is empty. He hissed, and the rear claws came out. So, clearly he is not convinced she is gone.
You know, I read somewhere a while back that cats are “very emotional” animals. I didn’t know how true that is until now.
Remember when you were a kid and you’d pitch a tent in the living room? Well, I guess cats share that same adventurous spirit. Here is Martin in his new kitty tent from IKEA.

(Note the look on his face that says, "You think you can buy me. Think again. But I'm still going to enjoy my new tent. So there.")
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