After 24 days with the spastic New Kitty, we finally have some peace and quiet at home. I'm no longer saying "Don't!" or "Get down!" or "Noooooooo - not that vase!" or "Oh my god - anything but the coffee decanter." No longer do I hear things come crashing down in the next room. And no longer am I awakened several times a night by a 9-pound creature tearing across my Calvin Klein duvet cover and doing gymnastics on my bed. I've never had to yell at Baby. All this yelling was getting old fast.
Today New Kitty went to a new home. Baby and I couldn't take it anymore. She was just too rambunctious for us. Baby is so mellow and sweet. New Kitty, at 11 months old, is still a kitten. Even Baby had a reached a point where she just sat calmly and collectedly watching this cat run around like a chicken with its head cut off. Baby had a look that said, "My god, woman. Chill. I'm trying to relax here. Can't you just sit down for a minute?"
I had the same look. Frequently. So New Kitty is going to live with a couple in the Heights where I think she'll be happy. The woman works from home a lot, so she'll be getting a lot of attention. Now, don't get me wrong, New Kitty had her good qualities - like it was cute the way she turned her head sideways sometimes and did back-flips when playing by herself with her little rainbow puff balls (which she loved and I was constantly fishing out from under the furniture). She also liked to play fetch with those balls, as I learned a few nights ago. And she was like a slinky maneuvering the 3" clearance under the love seat (still not sure how she got her whole body under there).
Alas, enough was enough on the other antics.
I'm so relieved she is gone and I have my happy home back. June has been so hectic. In fact, I can't believe we're in the last week of this month. I had a trip, two overnight guests, a Yankees game, a sick kitty, a psycho kitty, and two major desktop trading outages at work that managed to consume a week's worth of work.
On Thursday the 12th I flew to Tidewater, Virginia to attend my 17-year-old nephew Jason's high school graduation. He is the first of my six nieces and nephews to graduate, so it was a special occasion for me. My mom and dad met us there, as did my sister Lisa from Tennessee. I'm so proud of my nephews - both Jason and his brother Matt have turned out to be interesting, well-read individuals with integrity. They're fun to talk to, as well - both are smart guys. (A shameless plug, but I really love my nephews!)
Here are Jason and I at his parents' house in Chespeake:

Here are my parents (and that's me at the buffet table, of course):

My sister Lisa:
My cool nephew Matt and the proud mom:
On Saturday, several of us took a ferry over to the Norfolk waterfront one day. A sign said, "Eat at Joe's," so we did but we have to recommend that you don't. Filthiest restaurant I've ever seen. My salad was crap, although I have to admit the hush puppies were good, and I think these two gals enjoyed their bucket of crab legs. That's my sister-in-law Jacqui on the right and her hysterical sister Joan Marie on the left:
Later that evening, Jacqui threw a great party, attended by the rowing crew team that she has worked so hard with for the past couple years. Since Jason, the crew coxswain, is leaving for the Marines in August, the group of 40-ish and 50-ish women that he led to many rowing victories was sad to see him go. And with the Navy transfering Jacqui to JAX, Florida, next month, it was a double-whammy for this close-knit team. A fascinating bunch. Jacqui's sister Joan Marie had me in stitches the rest of the time. I hadn't laughed that hard that much in a long time.
Love the pop-tart story, Joanie! Ha!
Anyway, I'm off to finally have a relaxing weekend (what's left of it). Ah.....
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