After a a long, packed subway ride uptown and a 30-minute wait at the NYACC this evening, I picked up my new baby and brought her home in Martin's old carry bag.
It didn't take Baby long to settle in. After checking out every room in our "huge" 1,200-square foot apartment, she went straight for the catnip-filled mouse toy on the floor - the same toy that used to be Martin's favorite.
Then she discovered the catnip-coated scratch pad under my desk and spent quite a bit of time there, rolling over and over, rubbing her body on the catnip - just like Miss Madison used to do.
Baby is quite the character. She already sniffed out and found the cabinet where I store the catnip! And she's very sweet. I've had a hard time getting a photo of her face because she moves too quickly (and my Sony Cybershot reacts too slowly - one thing I miss about 35mm SLR photography). But I'll get more shots eventually.
The shelter thinks she is a Tiffany mix. After Googling the Tiffany breed, which I'd never heard of, it appears she might very well be part Tiffany. She looks a lot like a Maine Coon. Interestingly, the two breeds have similar temperament and characteristics, so it's hard to tell what she really is. Either way, I love her. She already seems happy to be in a new home.
Baby is such a pretty girl. She had been dropped off at the shelter by a family that had received her as a gift but only kept her a couple months. I guess they were moving and couldn't take Baby with them. So the poor thing is on her fourth residence in just a few months - if you include her three days at the shelter. Fortunately, she seems quite adaptable - just like my Martin used to be.
I miss Martin so much. Every night I say good night to him right before going to sleep. And, even though I have a new sweetie to take care of, there will always be a special place in my heart for Martin. He was my boy.
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