Wow – hard to believe that April has nearly come and gone. It’s raining today, so I’m spending the weekend indoors, doing more home chores. I have to hang a ceiling fan in my bedroom and several IKEA shelves in the other two bedrooms. I’m finally getting settled in. All of the boxes have been unpacked, broken down, and recycled. I even came across some items from storage that I had been afraid were lost forever - the most important of those being Mona.
When I moved from Bellevue, WA, to Manhattan in late 2004, I had to box up of a number of things for storage. I knew that I wouldn’t be able to fit it all in a New York apartment. The problem is, after I moved, I couldn’t necessarily remember what had been stored. When something came up “missing” in my life – I didn’t know if the movers had lost it, or if it had ended up in storage.
Mona was one of those items. Mona was a gift from my sister-in-law Judy and brother Dave a couple Christmases ago. 2003, I think. I adore her. She's my Martini-drinking, cigarette-smoking, slutty-dressed alter ego. Since I don't drink or smoke any more (or wear slutty outfits), she does it for me. It wasn’t until I was getting ready to move to MD that I realized that I hadn’t seen her in over a year. I worried about her. Was she in a box somewhere? I dug through boxes looking for her, to no avail. Finally, after a few weeks of searching, I unveiled her from one of the very last boxes I had left to inspect. I was so happy to see her.
Things seemed much better then. Life was whole again. Mona and I were reunited. The universe was in order. Whew, that was a relief.
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