After inadvertently coming across the filming of the remake of the 1974 Walter Mathau movie "The Taking of Pelham 1-2-3" while taking one of my long NYC walks last year, I couldn't wait for the movie to come out on DVD so I could watch it. To wet my appetite, I rented the original version from Netflix and watched it while I was still living in Brooklyn.
I enjoyed it—especially the very last scene, which was the sneeze scene that gave the bad guy away.
So last night I started watching the new version. First thing that ticked me off was the big
RED "6" emblazoned on the 6 train. The Lexington Avenue line is
GREEN, not red! The 4/5/6 trains are
green. And the 1/2/3 trains that run on the 7th Avenue line are
red. Duh! Any New Yorker knows that. Even a lot of tourists know that, because the 4/5/6 runs through Grand Central Terminal.
How could the director get the most
basic of details wrong?! Are you kidding me? They filmed in New York City. They were on subway platforms, inside subway tunnels, up on elevated subway tracks, inside subway cars, and on the streets of Manhattan where there are subway signs every few blocks—
green "6" signs if you're on the east side. Heck, several of the subway platform scenes cleary display the
green "6" signs—juxtaposed to the tracks where a train with a big
red illuminated 6 is approaching. Whattup wit' dat???
I didn't finish watching last night because I was too tired. Plus, the red 6 really bugged me. I mean, seriously. The other thing that annoyed me was all the cursing. I don't mind when movies use the occasional "f" word, but when they use it Tourette-style, it gets very old very quickly. I do love John Travolta (and wished I'd gotten a chance to see him on the bridge that day last year), but I don't like him when his character is cursing like a spoiled punk. Of course, the 70's version of the flick didn't suffer the same annoyance.
Ok, so I need to watch the rest of the movie. But I wanted to watch Sunday's episode of
Mad Men first. And I'm glad I did. It was
the best episode
ever! It even beat out the lawn mower episode. Matthew Weiner is a genius. It still tickles me that I had an engaging conversation with him last year in a Madison Avenue antique book store, all the while never knowing who he was. That was a little over a year ago. I recall it fondly.
God I miss New York. I can't wait to graduate this Master's program so I can go back. Every time I watch the latest CSI:NY episode I just want to cry because I miss it sooooooo much.
Ok, so I'll watch the rest of the movie and let you know if it's worth it or not.